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Jobs found: 7
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Employer: Athletics Spirit Department
Wage: $11.00/hr Openings: 7 Listed: 08/06/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
Neyland Thompson Sport Complex Knoxville TN 37909
Category: Administrative Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: Integrated Engineering Design
Wage: $11.00/hr Openings: 36 Listed: 08/19/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
863 Neyland Drive ZEC Room G167 Knoxville, TN 37902
Category: Tutor/Mentor Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: RecSports
Wage: $11.00/hr Openings: 7 Listed: 07/30/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
2111 Volunteer Blvd Knoxville Tennessee 37996
Category: Administrative Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: Office of Sustainability
Wage: $15.00/hr Openings: 2 Listed: 08/08/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
1657 Cherokee Trail Knoxville TN 37920
Category: Gardening/Maintenance Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: Theatre (Clarence Brown Theatre)
Wage: $11.00/hr Openings: 3 Listed: 08/21/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
Clarence Brown Theatre Prop Shop
Category: Production/Design Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: Theatre (Clarence Brown Theatre)
Wage: $11.00/hr Openings: 3 Listed: 08/14/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
Clarence Brown Theatre and Carousel Theatre
Category: Electrical Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1
Employer: Office of Sustainability
Wage: $15.00/hr Openings: 1 Listed: 08/08/2024
Hours: 10 to 30 hours / week Location:
1657 Cherokee Trail Knoxville TN 37920
Category: Laboratory/Research Job Type: On-Campus Jobs (FWS) Tier 1

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